The next part of the course is in free writing to loosen the writing muscles and let the words flow like a cliched river from your creative mind. Or some other conceited words like that. anyway freewriting is very
difficult to get my head around and always has been. My free writes often look like a disjointed mess of nearly related words and small bits of different stories normally ending in a longer story at the end. I think that's why free writing is so difficult because its unlike anything your trying to achieve.

However difficulties aside I did my first bit of research for the Blog today. I looked up the word chakra which amused me enormously because its said that its part of the body but can't be discovered by autopsy. The other first is adding a picture, admittedly it is a rather abstract but simple picture but it still counts. I also found another amusing fact, this program has a spell check and it doesn't recognise the word Blog oh the irony I love it.